Recently Dallas had the opportunity to take part in a Retro Rewind Podcast discussion on the 1993 film, Super Mario Bros. This film features an alternate version of Mario and Luigi where they aren’t the fraternal twins that they’ve canonically been. Yet, despite that, they are still very brotherly towards each other. This plus a discussion from The Bottom Shelf  has led Dallas to an interesting question, if Christians are called the family of God, how is this family supposed to act?

Written Devotional

I recently had the chance to dive into some nostalgic territory as a guest on the Retro Rewind podcast, where we delved into the iconic 1993 Super Mario Brothers movie. This was not the first time I’ve discussed this movie, as last year, over at The Bottom Shelf podcast, we had a fascinating discussion on the film and the family ties between Mario and Luigi. As I revisited the movie and reflected on our conversation, it struck me how perfectly it aligns with our theme this month: Alternate Earth Month.

One of the most touching aspects of the relationship between Mario and Luigi is the revelation that they aren’t biological brothers. Instead, Mario took Luigi under his wing, raising him as his own. Despite their differences, Mario’s unwavering support and guidance exemplify the essence of brotherhood.

This got me pondering the importance of community and familial connections, especially in geek culture. Many of us often feel like outcasts, longing for acceptance and understanding. But just like Mario and Luigi, we’re not meant to journey alone.

In the body of Christ, we’re called to be a family, supporting and uplifting one another in love. Scripture reminds us to love our neighbors as ourselves and to stir each other up to love and good works. Just as Mario corrects and encourages Luigi, we should intentionally foster growth and unity within our community.

So, whether you’re already rooted in a church family or seeking a community to call home, I encourage you to reflect on your role within the body of Christ. Are you extending love and support to those around you? Are you walking alongside your brothers and sisters through the highs and lows of life?

Let’s strive to embody the love of Christ, reaching out to those who feel lost or abandoned. Together, we can be a beacon of hope, guiding others toward peace and belonging.