In the Masters of the Universe, He-Man is able to proudly lift his sword high and declare that he has the power to over come all evil. But where do Christians get their power to over come all evil? What sword can they boldly lift? Join our friend Branson Boykin as he explores these questions.

Podcast Version

Where do Christians get their Power from? | Masters of The Universe Devotional Geek Devotions

Written Devotional

We are thrilled to dive into a favorite childhood movie of Branson’s, Masters of the Universe, with you. Based on the He-Man franchise, this movie holds a special place in his heart, transporting him back to the days of watching the cartoon series. But beyond the nostalgia, there’s a profound lesson we can draw from this epic battle between good and evil.

In one climactic scene, He-Man, weakened by his captivity, reaches for the Sword of Grayskull, declaring, “I have the power!” This declaration grants him supernatural strength to stand against the embodiment of evil, Skeletor. It’s a decisive moment that resonates with our own journey as followers of Christ.

Just like He-Man draws strength from his sword, we have a source of power in our lives—the Word of God. Through the teachings of Jesus Christ, we receive instructions on how to live a victorious Christian walk. The teachings in the Scriptures tell us about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, empowering us to stand boldly against the forces of evil. As Paul wrote to Timothy, we have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-control.

In a world filled with challenges and adversaries, we can take courage knowing that we have the power of God living inside us. So, let’s hold our swords high, declaring, “I have the power,” and face whatever comes our way with confidence and strength.