Dive into the unique world of “Metropolis,” an Elseworlds tale from DC Comics, where Superman finds himself in the classic silent film setting. This Alternate Earth Month, devotional brings you an exciting exploration of this “what if” storyline that unveils powerful lessons about identity. Join us as we delve into the impact of knowing who you truly are, drawing parallels from scripture and connecting them to our own lives. Don’t miss out on this thought-provoking adventure.

Written Devotional

Hello Devoted Geeks! Today, we’re diving into an Elseworlds tale called “Metropolis,” a kind of “what if” story from DC Comics. This unique story places Superman in the world of the classic silent film “Metropolis.” Intriguing, right?

It’s Alternate Earth Month, and we’re excited to explore different storylines. In “Metropolis,” Clark Kent finds himself in a city where people are known only by numbers, not names. This realization hits him hard when he witnesses the dehumanizing conditions in the factories.

Similar situations occur in scripture, like the woman with the issue of blood. We never knew her name, and everyone identified her by her issue. When Jesus heals her, he calls her “daughter,” emphasizing her true identity as a child of God. In our lives, it’s easy to let our issues define us, whether as a new believer feeling like a sinner or someone grappling with the identity of failure.

However, your true identity is not determined by your past actions or mistakes. Once you accept Christ, you become a child of God, and that’s the only title that truly matters. So, let’s embrace our identity as cherished sons and daughters of God!