Speaking TRUTH with KINDNESS | Elemental Devotional | Pixar Month

In Disney/Pixar's 2023 Elemental, we meet a young fire girl named Ember. Ember has found herself caught in the struggle of trying to please her parents and being who she wants to be. Through out this journey she's faced with various hard truths that are presented in a manner marked with kindness and love. Why is this presentation so important? Join us as Celeste walks through this conversation.

How Your Words Can Create Heroes or Villains | The Incredibles Devotional | Pixar Month

This month at Geek Devotions, we are taking time to focus on Pixar movies! This week Dallas is taking a look at the 2004's The Incredibles and proposes the question of... Could Mr. Incredible had avoided the entire issue with Syndrome? Join us to find out Dallas' thoughts as he discusses the power of your words.