Before you read any further, let us say thank you for taking interest in supporting us here at Geek Devotions. Yes even if you don’t become a Devoted Patreon Geek, but are willing to pray for us. We really do appreciate you. Our goal is to let people know they are loved. Like us, many have gone, or are going, through a season where they don’t know that they are loved, much less loved by the God of the Universe. Your support helps us to reach them.

At this point, we can produce our weekly Devotionals (Friday’s episodes), our Extra Tuesdays episodes (on… Tuesdays…), and our podcast Comm Talk with no monetary costs. However, the quality would be subpar and to be honest be exactly what the world expects from “The Church”… cheap and cheesy. We do pretty good work right now… but we can do better.

But Better, takes a bit of help. By partnering with us, and pledging any amount you want to per month, we can:

  • Cover current costs to continue Geek Devotions and continue to reach people in new and engaging ways.
  • Get even better recording equipment improving overall sound quality, and eliminating noise, pops, static, and awkward silence.
  • Help with covering costs of upcoming physical Geek Devotions books.
  • Help us to make Devoted Geek Real Life meet ups and events happen!

Thank you again for taking the time to consider supporting this ministry. If you have any questions feel free to contact us at

patreon_monogramPatreon is a place for people to support their favourite creators. For as little as $1 a month you can become a Devoted Patreon Geek which opens access to special events, early access to certain episodes, and other great things. Click on the Patreon Logo to the left to visit our Patreon page

paypal_PNG22If you’d like to give a one time gift us, we have set up a PayPal account for you to do so. PayPal is a safe and secure way for people to give funds over the internet. Click on the PayPal logo to the right to go to our PayPal landing page.

One final way you can help support Geek Devotions. Click the Amazon logo to check out our Amazon wish list containing equipment that we plan to obtain over the next several years. Obtaining these pieces of equipment helps us create better content designed to reach the lost and bring hope.