Welcome to Extra Tuesday! Today Dallas is doing the 10 Question Challenge because he was challenged by Josh of Victims and Villains Podcast! Let’s see how he does!

For more information about Victims and Villains Podast checkout the following links!
Website: https://www.victimsandvillains.net/
iTunes: https://goo.gl/Kbs8Ct
Stitcher Radio: https://goo.gl/e7rUoP
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victimsandvillains/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VctmsAndVillans
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/victimsandvillains
Email: nostalgiaversemedia@gmail.com

Don’t forget to email us at geekdevotions@gmail.com if you want to send in a testimony about what Geek Devotions has meant to you or done in your life. Also send an email to Dallas at the same place if you need help setting up a social media campaign or learn to build and maintain your online presence.

Did you miss King of the Monsters Month? Check out this playlist:

Check out our Kawaii Kaiju Taco Shirts on Redbubble by clicking the links below

Japanese Shirt – https://goo.gl/Dxm5TB
English Shirt – https://goo.gl/nmFsdu

Check out our full store here: https://goo.gl/zyKv8B

_______ Comm Talk Podcast _____________

Comm Talk is an extension of Geek Devotions and allows us to bring in more people and discuss different things. Below will be links to the iTunes, Google Music, TuneIn Radio and Stitcher pages.

We are really excited about this new branch of Geek Devotions, keep an eye out for a new episode hopefully every Sunday afternoon.

Itunes:: https://goo.gl/XqeFBJ

Google Play: https://goo.gl/sYa6Jx

Stitcher: https://goo.gl/brddms

TuneIn Radio:https://goo.gl/H6b7zk

To see our Extra Tuesday Playlist! go to

Check out Season 1 of Geek Devotions!

Follow Geek Devotions on social media!
